Let´s go to the beach!
This is the kiosk finder app UX design project I´m leading to achieve the UX Design Certification by Google and Coursera.
Come on, let's take a walk along the beach ;)
My blue ocean
Identifying business opportunities
Right from the start, Google offers us a raffle of opportunities. After looking around at the most common opportunities, the possibility of developing a beach food review app caught my attention. In my head it would no longer be just a food review app, but a kiosk finder!
Today, none of the tourism apps offer beach kiosk mapping, not even TripAdvisor. On the side of the kiosk owners, there is also little activity. You almost don't see this sort of snack shop listed on Google's search pages, specifically on the business corner. It does look like a blue ocean opportunity, doesn't it?
Look what I found!
Desk Research and Stakeholders Map
Beach: Favorite destination for Brazilians
family, newlyweds, singles, young people, adults and seniors
Motivation: Rest, leisure, get out of the rut, ordinary weekend, long weekend and holidays
18 to 34 years old: greater favorability to use a cell phone to plan and enjoy the trip; greater receptivity to referrals made by friends; value easy-to-use apps and use loyalty programs
Food: 2nd largest expense on leisure travel
Instagram and Facebook are important sources of travel information
At the beach, kiosks are a must go
Exploratory Survey
Kiosks appear as the main solution for beach hunger (35.7%). Next come street vendors (28.6%).
Respondents prefer kiosks for lunch and drinks. The street vendors are there for the Popsicle.
Most respondents choose the nearest kiosk (35.7%). In second place, the cleanest (28.6%).
57.1% never seek information from kiosks on the internet.
Of those who searched, only half found the results satisfactory.
But not everything on the beach is joy
In-depth Interviews and Personas
During in-depth interviews, I found that kiosks are the first choice of most respondents not for quality but for convenience, as there is always one close by.
Despite distance being the first criterion, all respondents are concerned about the cleanliness and appearance of the place, which reflects on their confidence or not in the food served by the establishment.
Among the 6 interviews, I could identify 2 profiles (or personas): one who prefers to leave the beach and look for safer food with fairer prices (let call Jessica); and another who takes the risk of eating at the kiosk without having much reference, as he finds it hard to leave the beach and then come back with all the stuff again (let´s call him Andre).
Let´s focus on Andre´s needs and frustrations from now on.
"It's a lot of work to go out and bring things to the beach again. I´m just lazy"
On weekends, especially in summer, he likes to "go down" to the beach with his friends. They usually go to the coast of São Paulo and take a house on AirBnB.
Rarely there is a clean and reliable kiosk nearby where they can have lunch at the beach.
He wants a solution that helps him to find and choose a convenient and reliable place to have lunch on the beach.
What does Andre want?
User stories and User journey map
As an tourist that seeks convenience at the beach, I (Andre) want to easily find a reliable and safe kiosk to have lunch, so that I do not need to leave the beach and have all the effort to bring thing back, nor risk my health eating at a dubious snack shop.
Click here to know my journey for when I go to the beach with my friends =)
Goal Statement
Our Kiosk Finder App will let users search and find reliable kiosks by the beach which will affect users that worry about the food they eat by showing them a list of nearby kiosks as well as customer reviews and scores.
Drawing primary user flow
Paper lo-fi prototype
After designing paper and digital wireframes, I could evolve them to the first version of my low fidelity prototype.
I got crafty and had a lot of fun creating these paper prototypes.
Adding interactions, how fun!
Lo-fi prototype on Figma
Now, the user can have a clear view of how she or he can search for a reliable kiosk and book a table.
It is very fun to make thing come true in Figma and very empowering too!
Work in Progress
News coming soon!
Soon I´ll be updating this project for you =)